Monday, October 25, 2010

Soft Walk Shoes

I am a person known to have tender feet! When I am going somewhere where a lot of walking is to be done I am almost guaranteed to end up with blisters on the bottoms of my feet from shearing or on the side of my toes and heels from rubbing. A shoe that seems comfortable when I buy them turn into monsters later!

Right now I am a Clark Shoes fan and they seem to be one of a few brands that fit and don't bother my feet. I have a closet full of shoes I cannot wear any length of time. I believe in comfort and that is more important than being stylish!

I just ran across a review and giveaway for Soft Walk Shoes. These shoes are designed with many nice features that I can tell someone put a lot of though into when designed this line. Perhaps they are my kindred foot spirit! These shoes have nice rubber shock absorbing soles. The inside has an eggcrate type design to massage your feet when you walk! There is also a wide variety of styles from casual to dressy and sizes to fit most!

The only downfall I can see with this company is that there is not a store nearby to try the shoes! They do have a easy return policy so I may order direct. Let's just see where the giveaway goes.

If you are interested in this line of shoes you can go to and check them out. If you want to try to win them please go to .

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